About Us – Spirit Safaris
Yes – we are Ecotourism Certified and have the Green Tick
Hi, I am Richard O’Neill, creator of Spirit Safaris and a 5th generation Aussie explorer, bushman, adventurer and songman. Our family have a deep love and connection to the land of Oz, and have journeyed Australia’s songlines with the wisdom keepers for many generations.
I have worked with Australian Aboriginal elders and communities in the Kimberley and across Australia for more than 20 years, supporting communities to re-establish on traditional lands and helping share their knowledge of country through Bush University and other initiatives.
My early years were on the land, then formal training in engineering & business. My life journey has included inventing, business, export marketing and consulting, Aboriginal culture and spirituality, song writing, authoring books and wholistic healing. My life experiences and global travels have enabled me to see a much Bigger Picture than most, and that we create the material world & our worldly experiences through our beliefs and actions. If you believed you might read this – there you are ! This is a message of all the ancient seers and great religions.
Richards love of life, the land and nature enable travellers to connect my fully with the special places we visit for deeper, richer relationships with self and all creation.
Humanity is now being called to take notice of this beautiful planet Earth – for the great journey we all travel together. You will maximise your Australian outback and Sydney travel experiences with our professional guides and staff, supported by our close connections with the Aboriginal people who have been caretakers of these very special environments. Our camping tours (on very comfortable bedding) allow us to be close to the Earth and community.
Take time out to discover your real self with a journey to the Heartlands of Australia with Spirit Safaris. Spirit Safaris connects you to your deeper power and creativity, travelling some of the most awe inspiring landscapes and experiences this planet has to offer.
Our Vision
To be the most preferred tour company in Australia by connecting people more deeply to the land and nature and inspiring their life journey
Our Mission
To give people the best tour experience of their life so they can connect more deeply and appreciate a greater sense of adventure, wonder and inspiration
What makes us different ….
We deliver personalized small group 4WD adventures that inspire and connect you to a new love of the land and life !!
Our Guarantee
We guarantee to give you a deeper appreciation and sense of connection to the land, and inspire you with a richer sense of life purpose
Our Team
Richard O’Neill founder of Spirit Safaris and a 5th generation Aussie explorer, bushman, adventurer and songman, with a passion for life and maximising peoples experiences. Plus a few other things. You can see me in the videos on homepage or read my blogs & info on the site or read my book here Creation Journeys
Lynne Irving – Culinary creatist extraordinaire, plus many years experience with National Parks & Wildlife as Discovery Ranger, with an Eco Tourism Certificate and Outdoor Guiding Advanced Diploma. Lynne has a great love and awareness of people, plants, nature and Aboriginal culture and loves those wide open plains.
Malcolm Borgward helped pioneer the early days of Spirit Safaris with our Bush Univeristy and Kimberley Tours. He has expceptional people skills, is an experienced farmer and bushman, an exceptional and successful professional dowser, and is a skilled Kinesiologist and alternative healing practitioner, based in Perth.
Adrian has an extensive career in tour guiding across Europe and South and North America, and now Australia. He shares his joy of travel with his people skills, experience, and practical knowledge of nature, geology, biology, the bush and outback.
Jim Diaz – Jim operated educational tours and holiday camps for youth from around the world, and in 1993 began guiding with adults to some of Australia’s most unique places. Born in the USA, schooled, worked and lived in Switzerland. Speaks fluent English, Italian, and French. Trully an international class assset for Spirit Safaris unique & international tours.
Martin Enock has a gentle prescence and competency that makes folks feel exceptionally well looked after. His love of sea, land, living and nature and his wonderful singing voice, guitar and banjo playing add a touch of class and fun around the campfire.
Lockey McKee – is also from the land in northern NSW and has travelled and tour guided extensiverly in outback Australia inclduing Lake Eyre, Central Australia and the Kimberley. Lockey contributes a diverse range of practical and survival skills and a passion for people and the land.
- INTEGRITY – Meaning “Oneness” – All life is interconnected and interdependent (Your relationships are Key)
- CREATIVE – We reap what we sow. What we focus on expands. We create our reality by the energy we radiate (Did you think you might read this?)
- TEAM & FAMILY – Living life to the full and expanding vitality through connected people. Sharing our love and message, and Respecting Individuals as to where they are now on their Journey.
- FREEDOM – Enabling self joy and expression for self actualization & enlightenment
- SERVICE – Delivering great value beyond sales – Yes there is more !
- CARING – Support & safety for inspired evolution of self, customers and all beings
- ADVENTUROUS – Exploring and leading new ways & challenges and new creativity.
- VITALITY – Optimizing health, wealth of people (financial, relationships, life), nature, organisms and organizations
- LEARNING – While we live we grow, and learn – we teach and share and Inspire people’s creativity, life purpose and path to peace and fulfilment.
Eco Aware
- As ecotourism operators we adhere and enact the principles of Ecotourism ie
- Focus on personally experiencing natural areas in ways that lead to greater understanding and appreciation
- Integrate opportunities to understand natural areas into each experience
- Represent best practice for ecologically sustainable tourism
- Positively contribute to the ongoing conservation of natural areas
- Provide constructive ongoing contributions to local communities
- Is sensitive to, interpret and involve different cultures, particularly indigenous cultures
- Consistently meet client expectations; and
- Marketing is accurate and leads to realistic expectations.
As Eco Aware operators we go beyond these principles and enable travellers to share in the deeper learning and understanding of these principles, which underlie the ancient knowing of Aboriginal and indigenous cultures.
We are also a financial supporter of Australian Wildlife Conservancy.
The world is beginning to understand the benefits of an increased awareness of a deeper relationship with nature as noted in the following.
“We are the Weather Makers” was a book title by Australian of the Year, Tim Flannery. This title repeats the lessons of many seers of many cultures – including Aboriginal who remind us we “sing up” our world through our emotions and actions. This is also shown and little understood by quantum physics experiments, and the teachings of Eckhart Tolle in the Power of Now and “The Secret”.
“To succeed in the new economy, we must operate by the design principles of the rainforest” – Mr Tachi Kiuchi – Managing Director of Mitsubishi Electric USA & Chair of Future 500 USA
Every gardener knows you don’t cause a plant to grow … Sooner or later we’ll all wake up and realize that the industrial system is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nature” …… Peter Senge senior lecturer at MIT, chairperson of SoL
“The capacity for awareness of sensory experiences is critical to the development of meaning. And it is just this lack of meaning that is creating an epidemic of crisis proportions today, with its corollary violences against self and society.” – Jean Houston
” The gift of the body is that it is always in present time, always here. To move into the part of you that has the power to transform your life, all you need to do is bring your awareness to your body” – Ann Weiser Cornell
“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.” – Albert Einstein
“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” – Albert Einstein
Our Mission
“By energizing a line across Australia, we will heal the whole country” David Mowaljarlai OAM
Our journeys energize You – and the line on the “Path of the Rainbow Serpent” from “Ocean to Outback” across Australia’s Heartlands to the Kimberley and beyond.
Our Mission is to enable you to experience Your greatest adventure – Your life’s Creation Journey – to enable you to maximise Your Vitality, Awareness and Creativity – to BE the greatest you can be … Be cause, as “You let your own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same – Sounds like a bright idea – so join us for some FUN !
Join us on the Adventure of Your Life… Connecting people and country by songlines…. 4 Wheel Drive journeys with Aboriginal teachers and communities from the land we travel. Outback communities, camps, cattle stations, traditional art… extraordinary value and beauty in these last frontiers of the world’s longest surviving culture
These are small group adventure learning journeys … connecting and re-creating with the land and locals.
Discover new levels of your own creativity – Explore your “Dreaming” and connect with the ancient soul of this land. Become part of the re-creation of country and culture. Discover new understandings from times beginning
Safari is from the Arabic safa meaning “journey”. Safa so good !
We live and teach awareness of self and nature, and practice it through our tours, business consulting and projects including “Australian Visions” and “Dancing Planet”
Attending Bush University with David Mowaljarlai in 1997 was a life changing experience for Richard O’Neill, Managing Director of Excelink Pacific and Spirit Safaris . Richard is a 5th generation Australian who saw clearly how to bring people to new levels of peace, creativity and consciousness – through deep connection with Nature – as the Aboriginal dreaming stories tell – and as they have been lived for thousands of years.
Our 1 day journeys give you techniques to connect with your vitality and soul purpose. Our Outback journeys work with various Aboriginal communities and teachers. In the Kimberley we have worked since 1997 with the Ngarinyin Aboriginal people, re-building community on their traditional lands. We provide an introduction to the community, deliver the tours and support the teachings in liaison with the elders. During Bush University you will be taken on expeditions to incredible rock art galleries, with the custodians of those sites, who will explain the stories and meaning of these special high energy places. You will learn about Ngarinyin Law, men and women’s business, spirituality, medicines and bush foods, language and early history, ceremony, dance and song.
We operate tours under accreditations and licences provided by the following organizations.
NSW Department fo Environment- National Parks & Wildlife Service
SA Dept Environment, Water & Natural Resources
NT Parks & Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory
WA Dept Environment & Conservation
Tasmanian Parks & Wildife Service
Queensland National Parks
Various Aboriginal reserves, resticted areas and IPAs

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